Solar powered mobile trucks and their importance in a tropical climate like UAE.


The United Arab Emirates is inarguably one of the most significant powers in the world today, tourism, technology, culture, history…you name it, and they got it. Quite honestly, an almost perfect country, if one can get past the unforgiving climatic conditions. solar powered Mobile trucks in Dubai UAE.

With an arid desert climate consisting of two seasons, the weather conditions can get quite harsh. The weather in summer is hot and humid which can go up to a whopping 50 degrees Celsius, which is why air conditioning and refrigerated automobiles are a necessity of the times. But, the rising cost of electricity and fuel along with the rising heat in UAE makes things a little heavy in the pocket. Not to mention the adverse effects it has on the environment.

So what do we do? The answer is on the rooftops and we mean it in the literal sense. Solar-powered trucks are the answer to this daunting dilemma.

Solar-powered automobiles, what and how?

Solar-powered vehicles come under a broader category of automobiles called alternative fuel vehicles. These can be considered as vehicles that run on fuels other than petroleum and their byproducts.

Solar vehicles use a special type of cell called a photovoltaic cell, which can convert the sun’s energy into electrical power, which in turn powers the vehicles’ electric motors. In heavy motor vehicles like trucks and such, this solar power is generally used as a way to keep the air conditioning or refrigeration systems running on the power of light.

These types of trucks also have the technology to create and store solar-generated power, which can be used at night or in the absence of direct sunlight.

Benefits of solar-powered trucks

Solar Powered Truck

With immense research and the advent of new technology, harnessing the power of the sun is getting easier day by day. New innovations in the field have made solar-powered vehicles more accessible than ever.

Let us see what some of the benefits of using solar power in your vehicles

Eco friendly and quiet

  • Solar-powered trucks have zero emission levels, so they use non-combustible energy sources.
  • They don’t use non-renewable resources and burn fuel, hence emitting zero greenhouse gasses or any other pollutants for that matter. 
  • Significantly quieter than conventional vehicles, solar-powered vehicles do not cause noise pollution as well.

Availability of energy

The sun is a constant and powerful source of energy that cannot be taken away or depleted, not for the foreseeable future anyway. Solar panels fitted on the trucks derive energy from the sun and they can also be stored for use when direct sunlight is not available for a very long time.

  • Cost efficiency

One of the biggest reasons to switch to solar-powered vehicles is the monetary angle for sure. When you are using conventional fuels, the cost is always higher. The cost of fuel in the global market is always trending up. Hence, utilizing solar power for your trucks is the most logical and cost-effective way. 

Why should you consider getting a solar-powered truck in UAE

Every time someone talks about solar-powered vehicles, nobody seems to take it seriously. But considering the rising fuel prices, the adverse effects on the environment and the quickly depleting fuel reservoirs, solar energy should be the first thing on your mind.

Especially in tropical countries with arid climates like in UAE, the power of the sun is literally not being used. Unlike in European countries, even in winter, UAE can expect steady sunlight exposure.

With advanced technology, the efficiency of solar power has increased tremendously. With less energy consumption, cost saving on fuel, low maintenance, long battery life, solar power just makes sense. With innovative technology, all the electricity needs of heavy-duty vehicles can be met with solar power now. This will especially benefit cold storage vehicles for food transport and even ice cream trucks. The best part of this newly found solution is that there are ways you can get solar panels fit onto your own vehicle!

With solar-powered trucks you can expect sustainable logistics services, reduced cost and risk. This is a responsible financial investment for you and for the environment, we may call it a win-win situation. Discover bigger and better, next-generation automotive technology with us. You will be rewarded with a sustainable way of transportation and customer satisfaction.